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How to get leads from LinkedIn

Generating Leads on LinkedIn

February 13, 20238 min read

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The Quick and Simple Approach to Generating Leads on LinkedIn

Are you looking for ways to generate more quality leads? Do you want to know how to effectively use LinkedIn without being too spammy?

In this article, you'll find tips and tricks on how to utilize your company page and personal profiles on LinkedIn to create leads.

generating leads on LinkedIn

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page and Profile for Lead Generation

 LinkedIn offers unique lead generation tools for member profiles and company pages. You can maximize LinkedIn lead generation opportunities by configuring both.

Custom Buttons for LinkedIn Company Pages

To add a custom button, open your company page’s editing tools. Enable the custom button option and choose one of the available calls to action (CTAs)

By adding a custom button to your LinkedIn company page, you can make it easier for prospects to become leads. When enabling the custom button option, select one of the available calls to action (CTAs) that is geared towards middle-of-the-funnel prospects, such as Register or Sign Up. Then enter a link and publish the changes on your page; this could be a lead magnet, limited-time offer, or another resource designed for leads.

LinkIn marketing

If you link your custom button to a limited-time offer or a beta version of a lead magnet, make sure to review the settings and update as necessary. Naturally, you won’t want to waste this valuable real estate on an expired offer or an outdated lead magnet.

LinkedIn Lead Forms for Company Pages

By adding a custom button to your LinkedIn company page, you can leverage external resources to generate leads. With a lead form, you can capture qualified leads without requiring them to leave the platform, which can help minimize friction and maximize your results.

To use LinkedIn's native lead gen forms, open the editing tools for your company page and enable the option. (Note that you must agree to LinkedIn's page terms, which include having a published privacy policy.)

Choose from preset CTA options like Get Started or Contact Sales (for service providers) or Start Free Trial and Request Demo (for products/software). Then create a headline of up to 50 characters and body copy of up to 200 characters that will capture prospects' attention and prompt them to act.

linkedIn marketing for business

Keep in mind that LinkedIn won’t automatically send you the leads you generate via this form. To measure success and collect contact details, go to the lead analytics for your company page and download the data.

linkedIn leads

Creator Tools for LinkedIn Profiles

Make sure your team members have enabled Creator Mode for their LinkedIn profiles before getting them on board with your lead generation efforts. To turn on these tools, go to the profile page and scroll down to the Resources section.

linkedIn strategy

If Creator Mode is enabled on LinkedIn, Follow Mode will also be activated for personal profiles. This makes it simpler for other members to follow your team members without having to send connection requests one by one. Thanks to this feature, your team members can increase their followers and raise visibility for the organization in a more convenient way.

With Creator Mode, you and your team gain access to more in-depth insights for individual profiles. By analyzing this data, you can get a better understanding of how well your posts are resonating with the right people. Utilizing this information, you can continue to refine and enhance your strategies.

#2: Identify Your Target Audience

In order to maximize the success of your lead generation efforts, ensure that your campaigns are tailored to the needs and interests of your target audience. Utilize both external and internal resources to gain a better understanding of prospects and customers.

Buyer Personas and Ideal Customer Profiles

To determine the target audience for personal or LinkedIn page posts, use your organization's buyer persona and ideal customer profile. Charting the defining characteristics of your audience can help to further define them, such as age, gender, interests, location, job title/industry/company size etc.

  • Job title, corporate department, and industry

  • Seniority and experience level

  • Location, including countries, regions, and cities

  • Pain points and problems you can address

  • Goals you can help them achieve

Using company page and creator analytics, follow these guidelines to create content for LinkedIn. Monitor the analytics to ensure you are targeting the correct audience and adjust your approach if necessary.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Need to build your audience on LinkedIn? With LinkedIn’s premium Sales Navigator platform, you can easily identify and connect with leads. The platform offers two options to organize your search:

  • Use Sales Navigator’s account filters to find businesses that fit your organization’s ideal customer profile. Then create a list of decision-makers and add them to your network.

  • To focus on decision-makers, use Sales Navigator’s lead filters to apply your target audience’s demographics. Then connect with relevant decision-makers directly.

LinkedIn Company Page Analytics

Do you know if your target audience is engaging with your organization's content? To confirm, open the analytics on your company page. Look past the highlights and visitor metrics to check the demographics using the drop-down menu. You can also use this process to see who is following your company page.

business linkedin

Next, check your company page’s content analytics to see what’s resonating with your target audience. From your page, select any post and click the Show More Analytics link below it. Click any engagement metric—such as comments—to see the job titles, industries, and other characteristics of your audience.

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LinkedIn Creator Analytics

To access analytics for your personal content, enable Creator Mode on your LinkedIn profile. Then, go to the Analytics panel and click the Post Impressions link. This will allow you to see which posts are performing best so that you can get a better understanding of what works best for you.

linked in analytics

From your LinkedIn profile, you can also select any post you’ve published to review the analytics. LinkedIn displays available demographics for people who have interacted with your content. Use this data to gauge who’s responding so you can fine-tune your messaging.

linkedin tips

You can also use creator analytics to see demographics for your newest followers. With this data, you can make sure you’re attracting the right audience to your profile.

#3: Enhance Your Lead Generation Content Strategy

Once you have conducted your audience research and established your business page, it is time to develop and execute a content strategy. Concentrate on sharing content that has significant value and encourages prospects to progress further, as well as providing lead magnets which will help them take the next step.

Link to Middle-of-Funnel Content

If you want to encourage prospects to move further down your sales funnel, create content specifically for those in the consideration stage of their customer journey.

This could include providing high-value answers to high-level questions, comparing your brand with competitors, or demonstrating how you have solved problems for other customers.

For example, Chili Piper shared a post on LinkedIn that used a conversational approach and included a meme to discuss an issue many customers face. The post then highlighted their lead routing tool as the solution and provided more resources in the comments where prospects could schedule a demo of the tool.

linkedin strategy

Offering prospects helpful lead magnets such as eBooks and how-to guides can help them begin to solve their own problems. By building trust, you can make sure your business is at the forefront of their minds when they are ready to make a buying decision.

Check out the Heap LinkedIn post for a guide to increasing customer empathy! If you're interested in downloading it, all you have to do is provide your contact information. This allows the organization to send follow-up communication and nurture prospects via email or phone, ultimately leading them towards making an informed decision.

linkedin learn

With up to 3,000 characters available in a LinkedIn post, you have a great opportunity to promote lead magnets and other middle-of-funnel content. However, it can be difficult to make your posts stand out from the crowd and get the desired results without the right tools.

Use these LinkedIn tools to create more eye-catching content and drive more engagement:

  • LinkedIn articles essentially let you write entire blog posts to position lead magnets. Your team can share them to the company page feed, and you can also turn them into a series using LinkedIn’s Newsletter feature.

  • LinkedIn documents let you tease lead magnets in a series of slides. They’re ideal for hooking your audience so they want the lead magnet. Since documents are downloadable, use them for short snippets and then link to the full resource.

  • LinkedIn carousels are similar to documents, in that they include a series of slides. But they can also feature multimedia, which can make them even more eye-catching. Use them to spark interest in external content and then link out to the full resource.

#4: Improve Your Organization’s Visibility

To maximize your organization's lead generation efforts, create a plan for engagement and team posts in addition to content on your company page. Doing so will increase visibility and help you develop stronger relationships with potential leads.

Engage as Your Organization

Engaging with LinkedIn content through your company page can help to strengthen existing relationships and create new connections with your target audience. Here are two approaches you can incorporate into your workflow:

  • Add the organizations and decision-makers from your lead list to your LinkedIn feed. Set aside time to interact with their content on a regular basis. Make a point of adding value when you leave comments or share posts.

  • Build a list of influencers in your industry and follow them. Engage with their content and support their work to make your company visible to their audience.


No matter if you are only utilizing organic strategies or including advertisements, LinkedIn has useful resources for producing and caring for leads. With this system, you can utilize your LinkedIn business page and the profiles of your team to be successful in lead generation.

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Jon is the founder of AM Creative

Jon Almas

Jon is the founder of AM Creative

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